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Starting a business is no walk in the park. So why not let us take something off your plate by helping you with your company incorporation, IP registration and branding matters. Besides, you've got better things to do, like running an awesome business and building your global empire!

Startup IP


Intellectual Property is often the most important asset in a startup's armoury. Many startups found that they could rely on their IP as valuable leverage, especially in their dealings with larger corporations. Make sure your IP assets are protected so you can punch above your weight and hold your own against the big boys of your industry. 

Startup Branding

Finding a voice and an identity is integral to the growth of your business. With our branding services, we can help you develop comprehensive and consistent branding strategies that would form the basis of your corporate identity. We can also help you to connect with your intended clientele by communicating your identity through our professional copywriting services.

Startup Assistance


Because we are really passionate about helping independent startups like you, we offer free consultation sessions for you and your team on whatever branding/IP issues you may have. And if you decide to work together with us, we will also take something off our fees so you can keep those startup costs under control. Talk to us to arrange for a free consultation or for more details about our startup discounts and offer.

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